Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This link is the first result on google if you search for my full name.


Google PageRank _/\_

Thank you all whose blogs/webpages link to mine. (If you're wondering why I said this, check up the PageRank algo.) And all the people who have their links mentioned here, your PageRank increased too!!!! :D

Now kindly get back to things more worthwhile :)


Shubho said...


Mental Havoc said...

A quick question....

What is your full name? :P

Unknown said...

hey! follow mine too :) not just PaggRank, traffic as well :P ty ty

Cheetah said...

How do I follow your blog? You haven't enabled My followers?

P said...

umm.. the thingy on top (which says next blog etc etc) that is where u can follow blog from :)