Tuesday, April 11, 2006

well, i was thinking of writing another ground-breaking, earth-shattering (haha!) piece that shows the CBSE marking of class 10 science papers as it is.... then i read my sister's blog.... n changed my mind. Mind u, the CBSE's messin up wid the students' papers... according to very reliable sources. like the fact that "name the 2 kinds of polymers" can only have 1 correct answer which is addition and condensation... n if u r a smart kid, or newez a kid with common sense, well sorry but u will not get marks for writin "natural n synthetic... n synthetic polymers are of 2 kinds blah blah blah.... or the fact that bio teachers there were appaled at the fact dat 3 funcns of brain were asked for --- take a deep breath --- only half a mark etc etc etc... ok im losing the track... plus if i put evrything here, well there wud b no pt repeatin d same things again n again no? so if u hvnt gt inconsolably bored yet then 1. ur seriously more patient than most of the homo sapiens inhabiting this world and 2. u wud be delighted (?) cos this is (at least sposd 2 b) a light hearted, umm well, nt so sure wat it is..


so i was readin my sistahs blog... that ungrateful lil turnip (see?? my language is degrading day by day.... now tehelka wont hire me.... i plan 2 be a journalist... if engineering wont have me) she wanted me to babysit her the first day of school which i did not do, as i wanted her to be able 2 stand on her own two feet, to make a place for herself in this whole wide world (of vasant valley, which by the way, for all its snobbery, is smaller than a kendriya vidyalaya i had 2 go 2 to give my iit.... they even had a humungous swimmin pool!!). i wanted her to experience things.... i wanted her to learn how to get up on her feet after falling, and do so wid a smile... and ur hopeless if u fell fr it. ok i was a lil too busy with my own things... but she very conveniently forgot that i came lookin for her in d lunch break.... yeah and i think i mentioned about me plannin to be a journalist.... btw when my sister was younger she used 2 spell journalist as generalist.... see i rembr soo many things abt her... like how she once opened my dad's guests' mouths (maybe his bosses. i dunno)
n asked em "kya kha rahe ho?" as that was maybe one of the few things shed learnt by then...

speaking of bad spellers... well nobody can beat the champion sakshi anand... well well well.... its a remarkable achievement she can spell her own name..... sorry sakshi... but in case i want to be a journalist i have 2 b adept at mud-slinging... hang on... thats what politicians do...... hmmm read this carefully kids cos this is one f the finest (watevr i write is d finest) piece of the country's future prime minister. or maybe americas (only make that president in this case). i plan 2 unite india n america..... nah... i dont.... see ive gone crazy... try livin wid my sister for 11 odd years..... but ill make sure I dont bombard a nation lookin for wmds that never existed... or leakin reports to press and then later promisin 2 take action against those "traitors" in the government who leaked the aforementioned reports.... or then even later admittin that it was i who did so........ im nt that cheap.

talkin of cheapos..... i d just like to say that i hate u sita priya moorthi.... u hvnt yet gt me d pictures u promised.... or even the book u sed u'd get me...... now dont try and act like u remembered u just forgot cos of watevr (see? that is the intellectual standard of my friends.... they hypnotize me to click pictures with camera pointing the wrong way)... ne more delay n u will be put in the same category as hrd minister (my fav punchin bag these days...)

ok im too lazy to think of nething dat makes sense. waaaaaaaaay too lazy, tho i just noticed im nt so lazy when it comes to extending words beyond their sensical boundary in order to emphasize upon em... guess its time for me to give my aching fingers some rest, n time fr u to rest that brain f urs which must hv been screamin at u for makin it go thru all this... but if u HAD a brain, u wudnt hv bin wastin ur time readin this in the first place.... so now since its proved ur a no-brainer, how about readin this post again... and again... till time runs out, and we reach the other side of infinity.... :P i pity u

this just goes to show wat 4 yrs wid manohar and agastya can do to an average girl's sense of humour...

till we meet again...



Agent047 said...

well i m in full agreement wid u...first year of engineein over n still i dunno anythin abt engineerin...but i think we really have d time of our life ...it was real fun...learned lot of things...
but yup dis vacation is suckin..really nothin to do...speep eat nden sleep date it...nothin interestin....hey come to jpr den we will have some really gud time...u learnin drivin its fun...me too learnin it..kisse par gadi cahdha mat dena..lol....

Prashasti said...

I'm touched. I didn't know you wrote about me...and guess what i didn't know i had a blog???!!?! lol, seriously i'd like to read that! :-/
lol...anyhow, i like this post, its honest and its touched a tear-trigger right about somewhere near my cerebellum.
i love you.
